This event occurred in the year 2013. It is one of the unexplained mystery that has occurred in the date. Another compilation was done by MB Forde . The Elisa Lam mystery stands out for a few reasons. Firstly, this is no centuries-old fireside tale with scant photographic evidence and super-dodgy sources. Secondly, the manner of her death has been debated furiously in some corners of the internet, with it appearing almost like a locked-door mystery. Finally, what happened with Lam’s body was truly the stuff of nightmares. Elisa Lam was a 21-year-old tourist from Canada. On the 26th of January, 2013, the student checked into the 600-room Cecil Hotel in Los Angeles by herself. Five days later she was reported missing by her parents after her daily phone calls home stopped. About a month after these events, the Hotel’s management team began to hear reports of problems with the rooms’ supply of water. Complaints included erratic drops in pressure, unusual coloration, lit...
Hello guys! This blog's all about the strange and mysterious phenomenons that has occurred around the globe. I really get fascinated to know such phenomenons so why not blog about it.